Wednesday, October 04, 2006

JEP FI-4: Preparation

Looks like the next lesson (hopefully tomorrow afternoon, although the rain is supposed to be moving in) will review the previous stuff, introduce steep turns and emergency procedures, and include demonstrations of more dangerous stalls (ones that might induce a spin).

In addition to all of that, I'd like to become more comfortable with the landing assessment. I can follow instructions on getting to that runway threshhold, but I don't have an established sight picture or procedure for getting one yet, so I'm not 100% comfortable with it. I've read that you should pick a spot on the windshield, put the numbers under it, and make control adjustments so that the numbers remain under that spot throughout the descent. So far, I've been so focused on getting the general airspeed/altitude/flaps/heading/radio calls parts right (the pattern and landing procedures) that I haven't devoted my brain to that important bit of targeting! I am confident in my pattern work, so maybe now that I can get us to final I'll be able to work on this piece.

Well, I say I'm confident in my pattern work, but we'll just have to see when the next lesson comes. At the end of the last lesson 8 days ago I felt good about it... Practice, practice, practice!


  1. I'm really enjoying your perspective on learning to fly. Landings have always been the most fun for me, they encompass all aspects of the flying experience. The method you describe about picking your landing point is good, the trick is making corrections to get to that spot. Nose attitude controls airspeed, power controls rate of descent. And don't fixate on the spot, move your eyes to the other end of the runway once the field is made. Have fun!
