Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Flight training cost

I tallied up the cost of training up to yesterday's re-solo. It was 15 hours of flight instruction time in my own plane plus 5 hours of ground instruction (pre- and post-flight briefings).

15 hours in my plane runs around $50/hour. That includes gas, hourly engine reserve, and an amortization of our share of the monthly/annual costs of ownership (since I've done most of the flying for the past 5 weeks!). That does not include our initial partnership "investment," which goes toward more than just my training and which we would have made whether I decided to train or not.

The flight school's slightly newer 172s rent for $120/hour wet, I've heard.

Beyond that, the costs are the same for instruction, regardless of who owns the plane. I know that one nearby flight school has an "insurance" surcharge for using your own plane that adds $12/hour to the instruction cost, but that's sketchy in a used-car-salesman kind of way -- our insurance policy covers me specifically and has an "open pilot clause" that covers anyone who meets certain experience requirements, which should be easy for an instructor for a 172.

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