Wednesday, October 09, 2013

Weather, navigation, and maneuvers. Take a deep breath.

Weather review was pretty straight-forward.  I may not remember the name of exactly which graphical weather product to go to for any specific item, but I'm confident I can find it during preflight in ForeFlight or online.

Navigation was easier than expected.  I actually remembered VOR navigation, which is the only type I was a little anxious about.  Other than GPS and pilotage, that's what I'd use.  I didn't bother reviewing the NDB nav process, and hopefully that won't come back to bite me in the keister.

Maneuvers made me a little anxious.  Mentally, mostly, I've got it.  When you're in the plane, though, it has to be(come) natural with muscle-memory and innate feel and reactions.  It's just a lot to try to visualize and anticipate all at once.  The first time around, this stuff was all spread out over a few months.  I'm interested to see how much feeling comes back in that first flight.  It helps to have flown with Jas during the past years, but being PIC will be a different story.

I have my first flight scheduled for Friday morning.  It's a 1982 Cessna 172P (just downloaded the POH) with at least one Garmin 430.  The instructor scheduled us in the plane for 2 hours and another hour on the ground.  I'm hoping we can do the BFR in this time, but it all depends on the return of the feeling and competence, at least enough to continue solo PIC for practice, calling in Jas or the instructor as needed.

I'm also happy to be doing it during autumn -- beautiful, crisp days with less turbulence, so less distraction from learning!