Saturday, July 21, 2007


So, how sad is it that this morning on our tour of the hospital and maternity unit that we both kinda perked up when they said there's wifi?


  1. Actually, I was SO bummed that there was no WiFi when my son was born. I had to snap a photo, drive all the way home, and upload it to email and a web page. If there was WiFi I wouldn't have left so soon, but there were people waiting to see him.

  2. That's true, that's definitely a benefit of having it. My very first thought, though, was of passing the laboring hours! But there'll have to be a rule, something like "Husband isn't allowed to be on the web unless I'm also on..."!!!!!!!!

  3. It's a sign of the times. At least you can set up Baby's email account right then at the hospital LOL

  4. I won't make a motel reservation unless the facility has wifi. Good to see hospitals are also catchin on.
    Good luck during the next days, K&J!

  5. Well, if you all are dorks, then I am too. My wife couldn't believe that one of my first questions when we arrived at the hospital (with laptop in tow) was whether they had high-speed internet or not :)
